About me!

meHey there! 👋🏻 I'm Pranshu, a passionate full-stack developer and college fresher based in India. Currently working on a few projects and pursuing B.Tech. in ICT from DA-IICT.

I started my coding journey in 2020 when I was 14 during the Covid pandemic. I started with the basics of C and programming and then moved to web development. I have been working with web technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and Node.js. I also have experience with discord bot development using discord.js and Node.js and have worked with databases like MongoDB and Firebase. I'm currently exploring Next.js and TypeScript. I'm also passionate about UI/UX and its design and development.

Tech Stack

Below is a list of technologies which I use for development and programming purpose. Including languages, frameworks, IDEs, apps and various softwares.

I am always open to learning new technologies and love to work on new projects. If you have any project ideas or want to collaborate, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter [I may be delayed in responding at times].